Board Members
Officers & Committee Chairs

President Shenandoah (Dody) Robinson, MD Professor of Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Email: [email protected] Website:

President-Elect Bradley Weprin, MD, MHCM Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery Children's Health Texas Professor of Neurological Surgery, Pediatrics, and Radiation Oncology University of Texas Southwestern Email: [email protected] Website:

Treasurer Susan Durham, MD Chief, Division of Neurosurgery Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Email: [email protected]

Secretary Abhaya Kulkarni, MD, MSc, PhD, FRCSC University of Toronto / Hospital for Sick Kids Email: [email protected]

Member-At-Large Howard Weiner, MD Chief of Neurosurgery George A. Peterkin Jr. Endowed Chair in Neurosurgery Texas Children's Hospital Professor and Vice Chair of Neurosurgery Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas Email: [email protected]

Member-At-Large Ruth Bristol, MD Phoenix Children's Medical Group - Neurosurgery Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Email: [email protected]

Past President John C. “Jay” Wellons, III, MD, MSPH Cal Turner Chair and Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery Professor of Neurosurgery, Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery, and Radiology Vice Chair, Department of Neurologic Surgery Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital Email: [email protected]
Bylaws Committee: Angela Price, MD Education Committee: Carolyn Quinsey, MD; Lance Governale, MD GEDI Committee: Renee Reynolds, MD Nominating Committee: Jay Wellons, MD Advocacy Committee: David Hersh, MD Mentorship Committee: Kimberley Hamilton, MD; Hassan Akbari, MD Communications Committee: Neena Marupudi, MD; Albert Tu, MD Credentials and Membership Committee: Kelly Mahaney, MD; Pat McDonald, MD Research Committee: Todd Hankinson, MD Scientific Program Committee: Eric Thompson, MD; Ruth Bristol, MD Wellness: Jeffrey Raskin, MD Historian: Marion L Walker, MD